Punching & Pin-Ups (8x11)

Punching & Pin-Ups (8x11)

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PUNCHING & PIN-UPS:Brooke & Luscious Lee

Sometimes when we're not sure what to do next, out of the blue comes an idea. A fan suggested we offer a "pin-ups" package; the fighters in gloves, pre-match, ready to take on their opponent... maybe that's you!

Okay! You talk, we listen. Sometimes. But this time for sure (with apologies to Bullwinkle). Here's a 108 page book with posed pin-ups of Brooke and Luscious Lee, in a variety of poses and outfits. Sixty-eight in all... the other forty pages are are a bit of "in-action" between Brooke and Lee, also sized at 8 x 10, so if you'd like something to brighten a room or office... grab a frame and a pair of scissors!

Everyone's cuppa tea? Nah. But when you like girl-next-door beauty, combined with swimsuits and boxing gloves, then yeah.

108 pages
Size: 8 x 11 inches (wide)
Paper: 65 lb matte stock with 80 lb glossy covers
Perfect bound

Price includes USPS Media Mail shipping within the U.S.

Product CodePUNPIN811

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