We sure hope the gals of NEW THUNDER are up to the challenge of facing tough beauty JOSIE!JOSIE vs NEVAEH: We suspected of all the opponents we lined up for Josie, that she'd have the easiest time with young Nevaeh. We MAY have been mistaken! This little blonde was a bag full of surprises, and as surprised as any of us was Josie. Nevaeh is young, but that doesn't mean she isn't skilled and determined. Josie had more than her hands full with this little lady. A blend of science and brawling, until a gal is put out with a sleeper.
JOSIE vs JENELLE SINCLAIR: If Josie is as ring-wise as her reputation indicates, then she'll know better than to mistake Jenelle's runway looks for a lack of wrestling skill! In fact, over the years, not only has Jenelle grown even MORE beautiful (is that possible?) but her wrestling prowess might just be equal to the task of handling tough Josie.
JOSIE vs HELLENA HEAVENLY: This is a solid match between two ladies of virtually equal skill and determination. There's hardly a moment's pause from start to finish as these great ladies of the ring. Great mat wrestling, from both gals until one is knocked out and pinned.